That is why frequently people invest in antiques rather than stocks and shares when the economic climate is not favourable. They make great family heirlooms and gifts as they are passed down generation to generation. Of course all our items are hand sourced and picked by us so we like to think they are beautiful too and will look great in your homes! We are a third generation family fun antiques business for over fifty years, starting on London's Westbourne Grove in Notting Hill W11.
Our next showroom was at Church Street NW8 just down the road from Alfies. Our current showroom is the large Canonbury Antiques warehouse just outside of Potters Bar in Hertfordshire (25 minutes north of London) - open to the public and packed to the rafters with goodies. From our travels up and down the country and around the world we source a wide range of items; English antique furniture, dining furniture, continental antiques, bookcases, large bronzes, art deco furniture, Empire, Boulle, Victorian and Regency dining tables, Chippendale chairs, Windsor chairs, ladderbacks and spindlebacks, art deco bronzes, sofas, architectural items, silverplate, porcelain, majolica and everything in between!Check here for a video tour of our showroom.